I feel like I'm falling with nowhere to land.
From peoples and nations I have been banned.
Lost with no compass, no vision, no map,
My constant condition: one sorry chap.
I'm a ship in the ocean tossed to and fro,
Lost out in space, I don't know where to go.
Wherever I end up, I don't belong
And I feel like an unfinished song.
Birds sing to others sweet melodies
But when I get near their songs quickly freeze.
I live in a vacuum – there's nothing else here –
My only companions: Confusion and Fear.
I'm a ship in the ocean tossed to and fro,
Lost out in space, I don't know where to go.
Wherever I end up, I don't belong
And I feel like an unfinished song.
My life is a mystery, I don't see the end;
I speak of great meaning but only pretend;
I just reach the finish to find that it's gone;
My only conclusion: an unfinished song.
I'm a ship in the ocean tossed to and fro,
Lost out in space, I don't know where to go.
Wherever I end up, I don't belong
And I feel like an unfinished song.
I'm a ship in the ocean tossed to and fro,
Lost out in space, I don't know where to go.
Wherever I end up, I don't belong
And I feel like an unfinished
© Daniel Lorimer
June 25, 2010
This is not how I feel, but rather how I feel that I would feel if I were not a Christian. I have seen too many people lost without Christ that have absolutely no meaning or purpose. And I would have been one of them, if not for God's gracious intervention in my life, bringing me to the point of repentance and faith in Him. And He transformed my life, giving me meaning, purpose, hope, joy, peace, and thanksgiving! This Thanksgiving I am truly grateful for God's grace in making me His son, for giving my life purpose and meaning, and saving me from being an Unfinished Song.
". . . you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." (Ephesians 2:12-13, NKJV)