When I was a kid, police were
wonderful, friendly, and helpful, and they were there to protect me.
I didn't have to be afraid of them, run from them, or attack them.
What's changed? What has turned these "protectors of the
innocent" into violent, cruel killers who have no care for
people and instead turn and attack the innocent?
Hang with me just a moment, and don't react until the end. This is
rather long, so if you don't have time to experience the whole
journey, then feel free to jump to the conclusion at the end.
seems like the news recently has been all about these corrupt people
who have taken the power and authority entrusted to them and abused
it. They're using their power to hurt people, to force minorities
into subjection, and to show their dominance by attacking innocent
and unsuspecting citizens.
It's evil, right? This sort of thing is absolutely wrong, and so
we should stand up against them and fight for freedom. We are free
after all, right? That means we can do anything we want. And if these
corrupt people get in our way, then it's up to us to take things in
our own hands. After all, that's our heritage. That's what our
founders did. They were "freedom fighters" who took things
in their own hands to overcome a cruel and unfair police force that
was trying to push them as a minority into subjection to the ruling
Before we let our emotions control our actions, we should pause
for just a moment and think. This is the story. This is what is being
told. The first question we need to ask is: "is it true?"
Not everything we hear is true, and not everything in the news is
true. The second question we need to ask is: "is it right?"
Ultimately, "Truth" and"Rightness" will always
match, but sometimes things happen (the story is true) but they are
not right.
First, I believe that most of the hype in these stories is simply
false. Second, I believe that the story of our founders as "freedom
fighters" is also false. And third, I believe that the general
response we have seen in the media to these events is wrong. And I
believe the driving force behind much of it is perception. Let's
When I was growing up, I was taught 3 things about the law. In
fact, I think many kids were taught similarly. Overall, cartoons,
programs, games, and things like that also emphasized the same three
points. What were they?
1) obey the law (law is good, it's there to protect you)
2) respect and obey those who are law enforcers (i.e. police)
3) if you obey the law, then law enforcers are there to protect
If this is our perception, it has an impact on the way we act.
Sadly today, the perception has changed. Cartoons, programs, video
games and other things have shifted away from displaying laws and law
enforcers as good things to something that is infringing on our right
of personal expression. Our games now teach us to kill the cops,
steal what we can and get away as fast as possible. Our cartoons and
shows teach us to misbehave, treat others rudely, and watch out for
number one. This also has an impact on the way we act.
So the truth is that we have different perceptions. Which of these
perceptions is right? Let's see where they come from.
The first perception, lifting up the law as a good thing and law
enforcers as positive forces in society is coming under fire. But I
would say that it's been the general understanding and perception in
our US history. It may or may not surprise you that this is a
Biblical concept. Check this out:
"Let every soul be
subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority
except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God,
and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers
are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be
unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise
from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you
do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is
God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices
evil. Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but
also for conscience’ sake." (Rom 13:1-5)
Wow, that's basically exactly the three principles I mentioned
above that I was taught as a child. We could look at other Scriptures
as well and we see resounding from the beginning to the end of the
Bible these same principles. And this Biblical concept has been the
general understanding in the history of the United States? How can
that be, if we were founded by rebels and "freedom fighters?"
Frankly, because we weren't. We were founded by men and women who
believed in Biblical principles. Many of them were indeed Christians.
Many were not, but still held many of the Biblical principles in
place in their lives. To support this claim, I point you to the
Declaration of Independence. I was going to quote part of it here,
but you just need to read it.
It addresses this very issue, making the statement that Law
ultimately comes from God, that the current government has been
unjust, that they have tried numerous times to use the correct
courses of appeal but all have been in vain. So the declaration says
that under the ultimate authority of God, because their current
government has broken the law and failed to address their appeals
within the law, that they then have the authority to establish a new
government, under that same ultimate Authority. And please note, that
this was not a personal action, but a collective action - a
governmental action. The Declaration and Revolution was not an attack
against law, but rather an act to uphold the Law.
Why do I spend the time to make this point when it doesn't really
fit with what we are talking about? Because it's the foundation of
what we are talking about. It also gives us another clue into the
perceptions we are seeing.
So let's recap. The principles of law being good, law enforcers
being good, and people being subject to the law are Biblical. The
United States was founded on these Biblical principles and in fact
were the principles that made the United States what it was. For many
years, these principles were the generally accepted and popular ideas
of the culture.
So what's happened? Let me make a suggestion of a cause that will
have a particular effect. Then see if we are seeing that effect in
our culture today. If the effect seems to be a good fit to our
situation today, then we will assume that the cause suggested is
likely the true cause. Then let me suggest a solution based on the
root cause that will also deal with the effect.
I suggest that
the cause of what we are seeing today is a cultural rejection of
Christ and the Bible. Christ is the standard of Law and the ultimate
Law Giver. Therefore, lawlessness and rebellion are anti-Christ. They
are sin. As people reject God, they often also reject law, because
law ultimately points back to God. As the cultural movers (news,
media, etc.) also reject God, they begin to paint the things that
reflect God in a negative light as well, meaning they begin painting
law and law-enforcers negatively. Thus we see a change in some of our
cultural perceptions. Many of the United States' cultural perceptions
were Biblical, because of the historical Biblical foundation. As more
people turned away from God, some of those cultural perceptions have
shifted as well.
If this is indeed the cause, then what we're seeing today as a
result makes perfectly good sense. The solution personally is a
return to Christ. The solution nationally is a return to Biblical
principles and teachings.
------- CONCLUSION -------
The more this nation rejects God, the more lawless people will be,
the more lawless people are, the more they will hate those who
protect the law (i.e. police), the more people hate those who protect
the law, the more difficult protecting the law will become and the
more fatalities and "atrocities" we will see.
Fixing it won't be a protest in favor of lawbreakers, it won't be
looting and killing people in demonstrations, it will be by obeying
the Law, and ultimately, the One Lawgiver.
The devil's trick is this: "Look, some of these lawgivers and
law protectors are corrupt, so we should reject all laws and law
protectors." It sounds good because it's a partial truth, but
it's a trap of the devil to bring destruction.
More people dying isn't a sign of corruption and wrongdoing on the
part of the enforcers. It could be, but it doesn't have to be. In
fact, in these recent cases, the process of law has determined that
those law enforcers were doing what they were supposed to be doing,
and were therefore under the protection of those who entrusted those
duties to them - even if something went wrong, they are held
blameless because they were acting properly under the law they were
The same can't be said for those breaking the law, for those
looting, for those killing, for those acting unlawfully in the name
of "freedom." Their freedom is their destruction, and they
are headed on a path to ultimate destruction. The only way to change
course is not with protests, but with repentance and salvation in
Christ Jesus.
"Truly, these times of ignorance God
overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to
because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in
righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance
of this to all by raising Him from the dead.” (Acts 17:30-31)
everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of
heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will
say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your
name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your
name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you;
from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’" (Matthew
"If we
confess our sins, He is faithful
and just to
forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)